Welcome to my first post! I have had this empty blog for awhile... trying to think of the perfect first entry but then I realized if I kept waiting I'd never have anything written.
I entitled this post "Take More Photos" based on my 2012 new year's resolution. I used to take tons of photos-- of friends/family and beautiful scenes but I stopped a couple of years ago. How sad! I have almost no documentation of what I have been doing! What that's Ferris Bueller quote? "Life moves pretty fast... if you don't stop and look around for a minute you might miss it." So true!
I use a lot of my scenic photos for painting inspiration. It has been awhile since I have painted something but I have folder on my computer of photos just waiting to be turned into artwork. My last painting was actually for a close friend of mine from med school. In our last year of school we took a two week trip to various European countries. We had a blast, and of COURSE got some amazing photos.

Here is a pic of Melissa and I.... not actually in Europe but we didn't have a ton of photos together because we were traveling alone for the most part.
Anyway, the pic that I based her painting off of was one from Paris. I went to Paris when I was much younger, like 9th grade or so, and Melissa had never been. We were so excited to go! And naturally I had no trouble finding a photo to paint.
This is a simple Metro sign but with the lighting at night I knew it would make a great black and white photo/painting. I love those black and white photographs were one part of the photo is in color... like a red rose on a piano or a bride's bouquet in a wedding photo. Photoshop creates some endless possibilities. I wanted to see if I could replicate this in Melissa's gift.
Below is the final product:

(Don't mind the paper towel in the background... I will try and get Melissa to send me another pic in the frame.) I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out... turning a color pic into a black and white painting wasn't the easiest!
Another painting that I did using a couple photos (this time not mine) was one of Citzen's Bank Park for my fiance's birthday a couple of years ago. He loved the gift but has been bugging me ever since for a Wachovia Bank Stadium painting! :) Here is CBP.... right before warmup since there are clearly no players on the field. My favorite part is the Philadelphia skyline.

There is a little bit of a glare but hopefully you get the idea!
I have some more photos that are in my "inspiration" folder... I think I'll share them in a separate post because this one is getting a bit long! Hope you enjoyed them and this post! :)
I love that Paris painting, Michelle! I always enjoy seeing your paintings. :)